Weston Parish Council is funded by an annual payment or precept from Nottinghamshire County Council. The Parish Council must prepare a budget for each year which will cover all necessary expenditure and ask the County Council for this money in the form of the precept. This precept is collected by the County Council via the Council Tax and is paid to the parish council in 2 six-monthly sums.
When considering the level of precept to be requested for the financial year 2023/24, the Council looked carefully at where its funds are spent, for example on a plan to replacement or repair council assets such as benches and to fund maintenance and repair work on the parish clock. It also took into consideration the year on year increase in costs such as insurance, the dog waste bin contract with Newark & Sherwood District Council and other administration costs. With all this in mind, the Council has agreed to a small increase in the precept requested for 2023/24 which will equate to an annual increase on the current year of £30.22 for a Band C Property.
Business rates or other taxes do not contribute to the Parish Council's income.